Purpose of a Data Audit

What Is the Purpose of a Data Audit?

This viewpoint improves the financial statements’ credibility with users such as lenders, creditors, and investors. Users of financial statements are more willing to grant credit and finance to a corporation based on this judgment, potentially lowering the entity’s cost of capital.

An audit’s goal is to find out what’s going on

A data audit is the process of examining data in order to determine its quality or usability for a certain purpose. Unlike auditing finances, data auditing entails looking at important criteria other than quantity to draw conclusions about a data set’s features.

The origin, source, or format of data may be examined during a data audit to determine its value and utility. Data audit procedures are promoted by several bodies and groups, such as the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), in various disciplines. Auditing research data has become an important work component for academics. Government-funded or work-related data audit processes may also be the subject of government projects.

A registry, which is a storage place for data assets, is usually required for a data audit. Identifying a registry or repository, frequently in a specific corporate department or organization, is the first step in a complete data audit.

You can answer questions more properly if you have numerous sources of data. However, these data sources are rarely adequately organized and classified, resulting in significant challenges when attempting to combine them. You might easily waste a lot of time — and valuable internal resources — attempting to integrate and analyze your data without a data audit.

What is the definition of an audit?

A data audit is a preventative procedure that aims to:

  • Recognize your current technology platforms and capabilities.
  • Determine which business questions your data can solve.
  • Create a strategic plan for maximizing the data’s potential.

A data audit usually takes 4-6 weeks and should be carried out by analytics specialists that work closely with stakeholders and have a good understanding of how the data will be used in the end. The finest data audit teams have extensive expertise and an objective viewpoint that provides the foundation for future insights requirements.

Short-term successes and long-term foundations for data-driven insights may both be identified with a competent data audit. A comprehensive data audit has three steps:

  • Interviewing stakeholders to learn about the business questions that your company has to answer and finding best practices to implement.
  • Data discovery is the process of examining various data sources to establish what data you have, where it is stored, what format it is in, and who has access to it. This involves looking at multi-country deployments, data availability frequency, and any changes in data formats.
  • Technologies Discovery: Outlining current and future technology for storing, accessing, processing, and disseminating information.
  • An analytics charter — a precise plan that tells you how to acquire answers from your data as fast and successfully as possible — is the outcome of a thorough data audit.
  • The charter should include a long-term strategy for gathering, analyzing, and utilizing your data successfully. A successful charter will also prioritize your data-related business objectives and match your requirements to particular data sets.

Many businesses try to save time and money by avoiding a data audit, only to be disappointed when they try to extract valuable information from their data.